Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mayflowers for Today's Flowers

Mayflowers (Trailing Arbutus)

While standing alongside an old dirt woods road I couldn't believe my eyes when I thought I saw little white flowers at the wood's edge. But I did see them!!
. I soon recognized them as Mayflowers (Trailing Arbutus), a most beautifully scented little wildflower. I have a favourite location where I find them each year, which I shall have to check on this week to see if thy are in bloomthere yet, but this is early for me to find such blossoms. Now I have another location to check on each year. As a young girl my best friend always seemed to find spring blossoms first, but now I know where to look and can share my exclusive information with others. It is such a joy to find wildflowers in bloom!. Next , I hope to find a purple trillium or a trout lily in bloom. It is wonderful to go for a woods walk with such a purpose. I am all the more richer today because of this Mayflower find this afternoon.
Thank you to Luiz,and Denise of Todays Flowers, for this opportunity to share beautiful flowers with others. For more flower photos please click HERE.


  1. What a beautiful day and new discovery of a tiny wild flower. Yes it smells good.

  2. Beautiful flower and a great find.

  3. I haven't thought of or seen Trailing Arbutus is many years. that would truly be a joy to see in the wild.

  4. Beautiful, I have not seen may flowers in many years.

  5. Beautiful flowers and the pictures. I will shortly be able to also view and share some of them - if the snow will give us a break.

  6. May flowers are lovely...
    It's so nice to find the wild ones

  7. Beautiful flowers. I don't think I have ever seen those or didn't realize what they were is I did.

  8. To walk with nature and see what she offers can give us a true sense of peace.Beautiful surprises as you explore your wooded area!

  9. simply super that's all i can say, The photographer job is also comment-able.

  10. The shy ones are the best finds, aren't they? Lovely photos.

  11. What a pretty little flower and what a good eye you have to spot them :-) Finding flowers in the spring really makes up for the long winter months.
