Monday, April 19, 2010

Shovelling Water!

No I'm not chasing it. I am standing on the highway in front of it with my camera. I was very happy to find these Northern Shovelors today. I haven't seen any recently or during the last couple of years. They are ducks 'in migration" I think their brown colour is so rich and beautiful; I was so pleased that this duck raised itself up, out of the water so we could get a better look of its full bodied colour, looking like a . a moist earthy colour to me and their big shovel- like bill is is interestingto see and so very helpful to them as they forage for food.
Hurry, hurry, I'm not going to harm you,I'll only take your picture at Jemseg, N. B.


  1. You have great pictures of the Shoveler.

  2. They do have really pretty color. You got some great shots of them landing and taking off.
