Sunday, April 11, 2010

A rainbow outside my window for scenic sunday

Its softly filtered but if you look carefully you can see a rainbow in the sky. This is rather special as it is seen through a new bay window we had installed in our dining room earlier this week. If I had of seen it earlier it would have been much better, but oh well, another time view will have to do.

Scenic Sunday is an opportunity to share your scenic surroundings with others. To learn more of this meme or to share your own contribution please click on the scenic Sunday icon on the right of this page. Have a great Sunday everyone.


  1. Oh that is so pretty.The window is perfect to catch such a spectacular view.Have a wonderful day.

  2. Wow - that is one stunning photo.

  3. That's a beautiful rainbow! There's a softness as though you'd drawn the colors across the sky with pastels. Love it.

  4. Fun caught it before it disappeared. Terrific lighting too. Happy SS.

  5. A lovely sight to look out the window and find unexpectedly.

  6. That's a great shot of the rainbow and bet you love your new window now. Wish you more great views.
