Monday, April 12, 2010

Crocus , Juniper and sun pillars for Mellow Yellow Monday

I had been hoping that this crocus blossom would be fully open for today:but maybe later. Our temperatures have been quite cool lately without a lot of bright sunshine. But when fully open there will be many beautiful blossoms. However there is more yellow in my garden. We have several Coltsfoot plants still in bloom and this hardy, early wildflower has spread to another garden, which I consider to be a wonderful happening.We also have many Juniper shrubs which are tinged with yellow. This is not a negative thing but a choice we made when we bought these Junipers with yellow foliage. they are quite beautiful to see with their golden branches.
Happy Monday to all! To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow


  1. Waiting for crocus
    to bloom, three elders begin
    chanting a blessing.

    Choose some yellow:
    Wind-blown flowers

  2. Gorgeous variety of 'yellow' photos.

  3. Wonderful thought how the warm glow of the sun makes the wire in the foreground fade into the background.

  4. Love the sun pillars! Neat!
