Saturday, May 01, 2010

Do geese sunbathe?

I wasn't sure what this large creature was as I saw it sprawled out on the end of this small island of earth in the middle of the pond..It looked very large!  Its that kind of day.  I myself took advantage of the sun's warmth and succumbed to the invitation from my porch swing to have a lie down in the sun; there is nothing more soothing or luxurious on  a warm spring day.  We all know that dogs and cats  and other animals love to lie in the sun.  What about birds?  I never thought of it before.As this large creature raised its head I could see that it was a Canada Goose. I kinda of think of this Canada as a friend for I know where to find it andI see it often in this pond.  It only raised its head but did not move any further than that. It is always by itself, always alone. I find it interesting to think that it may have been sunning itself.??


  1. That is interesting that it is all by itself. It's almost laying in the water. Helen

  2. We don't have Canadian Geese in Hawaii (only the Nene, I think). However, I'll keep my eyes open in Illinois. I know we have a lot of them here.

  3. Oh why not on a beautiful day light that in a cozy quiet corner of the pond, a little sunbaking sounds like a great idea.

  4. I'm sure it was enjoying the sun just as we all do.

  5. It certainly looks like a great day for sunning. I guess birds need the warmth and comfort of the sun, the same as the rest of us.

  6. I appreciate your PO very much the picture with the article. Continues to refuel!!

  7. Thanks so much for your comment Ann. We just had some bad thunderstorms last night. Everyone is as far as I know is ok around here.
    Patches was the one having those problems and so far she has not had another. Thank the Good Lord. Thanks for asking about all of us.

  8. I've not seen geese do this either. I like sitting in the sun, but only for a while. The very best time is on a bright sunny February afternoon after a l-o-n-g winter. It does good things for the soul.
