Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Nature Finds for Outdoor Wednesday

Another bird visitor today in Bird Alley .  A Grey Catbird.  It didn't show up until late afternoon a little after 5 pm.  It is the same bird that was here yesterday morning I think. Its appearance looks as if it may have been ruffed up a bit at the back of its neck as a fluff of feathers look a bit noticeable there. That is not a common characteristic of a Grey Catbird.
Hoping to find the elusive Spotted Sandpiper I drove to the river early this morning, before most everyone was up, but the mosquitoes were.  I think the overnight rain increased their ferocity.  ouch!  I haven't seen the spotted sandpiper recently, but I did see
an Eagle on the opposite shore this morning.  I think the flash on my camera alerted it to my presence and it flew away downriver..

  Their are lots of dead gaspereau floating back down the river providing food for scavengers.
My most recent observations have been of wildflowers.  Most noticeable are

patches of wild Lily of the Valley.  This is such a delicate looking little plant.

I think the entire out of doors is covered by these

white fluffy globes of Dabdelions going to seed.  I find them very attractive and photogenic I ejoy taking pictures of them..
Also coming intobloom increasingly more each day are
these Lupines above.  Soon they will be everywhere sharing their beauty with the roadsides and fields and meadows and hillsides. And not to forget my flower garden, soon my large poppies will be opening .  This one shown here is already beginning to show some of its red glory enclosed in this

tightly packed poppy bud shown above
 It is going to be another glorious day today in the beautiful outdoors.

  The Ruby-throated Hummingbirds continue with their constant feeding outside our windows.

Outdoor Wednesday found at is a delightful meme that invites you to share the outdoors with others. The theme encompasses the outdoors, a topic within the theme of your choosing. to learn more of this meme or to share your view of the outdoors please click on the 'outdoor Wednesday' logo on the right of this page. Happy Wednesday outoor gathering to all


  1. Good shot of the little hummingbird.

  2. Wonderful photos, love the catbirds and the Eagle is a cool sighting.

  3. Fabulous photos of nature at play, you are lucky to be able to get up close with them.

  4. I enjoyed this variety of pictures.Of course I always enjoy birds,but flowers are a very close second.Have a great day capturing more lovely images.

  5. eagle is a pretty good trade for a sandpiper :-) I love the ruffled catbird and your hummer shot is great!
