Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today's nature experiences

This female Ruby-throated Hummingbird came and perched in front of my window as I was having my morning coffee.  It stayed, and stayed and stayed.  Also while there a male hummingbirdwith its red throat came to feed from one of the feeders there.  and a beautiful gentle looking Gray Catbird stopped by for a visit.  I didn't get a picture of the gray Catbird but it will probably be back.  We have a large amount of wild Rose bushes that Catbirds favour and one year a pair nested there. We could hear their" meows" all that summer in our garden as the catbirds perched on our fence daily I hope each year that we will have a nesting pair again. And speaking of nesting pairs we have a pair of Cliff swallows directly across the street from our placeThis picture below of them both in the nest side by side

was taken yesterday morning.   Today my goal is to get a picture of a Spotted Sandpiper which I saw by the river on Friday.   I haven't seen them there since, maybe this mornning.. Now I'm off to find the Sandpipers and who knows what else?


  1. You had a bird-busy morning. The pair of swallows is so sweet.

  2. wow this is too cool. It simply amazes me all the time how birds build their little nests!
    I love the photos!

  3. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Doesn't it simply warm your heart when the wildlife comes close and lives where you live? There's a robin nesting in the tree right against the front of our house, and it more than doubled our own homeyness to see hers.

    Great photo of the cliff swallows. I've never heard of those before. Is that a *mud* nest? It almost looks like dirt daubers work.

  4. Such lovely companions to enjoy a morning cup of coffee with. Photos were great of your feathered friends, particularly interested in the swallows nest as I haven't seen any of those in years.

  5. I love the cliff swallows. The nest looks pretty cozy

  6. How wonderful to have that little hummer visit you.
    I've never seen Cliff swallows. What a cool nest.

  7. Wonderful! Hummers are such fun to watch. Love the swallows in the nest...like two birds tucked into a mitten.
