Monday, May 31, 2010

red poppies and tulips for Ruby Tuesday

While here in the east my red poppies are starting to open after being bathed in thewarm, sunny, sun each day. It has been a different experience for these red tulips shown below. It was a snow bathing they received on this weekend past at my brother Roger's place in Airdrie, Alberta.It is safe to say that I prefer living in the East. Great picture Roger. Lets hope you don't have the opportunity to take many more like it. (ie: snow!)

Happy Ruby Tuesday to all. Ruby Tuesday http://work of the is a meme hosted by Mary, the Teach, that celebrates red. To see more contributions to this meme or to share your own red for
Ruby Tuesday please click on the url for Ruby Tuesday on this page .


  1. What a contrast! In Manitoba many areas are suffering from overland flooding due to heavy rains on the weekend.The weather is always changing,of that we can be sure.

  2. I think the weather is playing tricks on all of us. Usually it's rather warm around here (Oregon) this time of year but this year the clouds and drizzles are just hanging on. Thanks for sharing that wonderful snowy, flowery photo.

  3. Beautiful captures. Love both pictures

  4. Both shots are gorgeous, but I'll take the poppies and no snow! I just can't imagine still having snow in May! How awful!

  5. Those poor tulips. I was in Alberta once - what magnificent sky. Lovely reds in both flowers.

  6. Both shots are terrific. Snow on tulips in May - who'd a thunk it? Happy Ruby Tuesday!

  7. And all our beautiful poppies are being knocked down with the rain. Yours are a beautiful shade of red.

  8. The poppies looks very pretty on the snow. Happy Tuessday!

    BM-Memorial day

  9. I love the beautiful pops of read showing thru the snow.

  10. These beautiful red hues dominate the landscape!

  11. Oh no, I thought the snow was from someplace else, and I'm so glad we are done with it, and I am looking forward to my Poppies opening. probably this week.
    Good choice for RT Ann.

  12. +Your poppies are really red. Mine are much more orange.

    Yes, Alberta got a nasty surprise, didn't it?
