Monday, May 31, 2010

A few yellow things for Mellow Yellow Monday

In the top photo we have a glimpse of the setting sun's rays at the end of a beautiful day.

I caught this Swallowtail butterfly just as it was pushing off from having been feeding on this lilac blossom. Below is a Rosy Maple Moth

which I found clinging on my house unnder our outdoor light by our doorstep yesterday morning.  I found 12 of them!. I was surprised at finding so msny at the one location.  We have  a few silver Maple trees and apparently that is their vegetation of choice.  The soft mellow yellon on this mot'h's head and under body make it a very attractive creature! as you can see from the pictures below. Having found 12 of them at my house I was not really surprised to find over 100 clinging on the public building across the street from our house.  I have seen many at this location before.  I guess its their season!


  1. Beautiful photos. Great detail on the moth.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  2. I just returned from a walk in O'Dell Park and spotted beautiful Swallowtail on a lilac there.... and of course no camera today.... so glad you captured the same configuration!

  3. Wow,that Moth is very pretty. I don't think I have ever seen one of these.Thanks for sharing this.

  4. Those moths are so pretty and I've never even seen one before! What a lot on that building.
