Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rodora Blossoms for Today's Flowers

I learned something new today:! The name of theses beautiful, rosy, purplish flowers.  I remember watching for these flowers every year as a child to come into bloom.  I had always known them as June flowers.I think thats what everyone around here called them.  A couple of years ago I searched for their name, finding nothing named June flowers.  I had seen these Rodoras in bloom for over a couple of weeks now and had taken a few pictures of these old floral seasonal friends.  During March I had bought a new book titled: Wildflowers of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island by Mary Primrose and Marian Munro, published by:Formac Publishing Company Limited, Halifax.  #This morning my husband was browsing through the book when he came upon my  previously misnamed June Flowers., and thus we discouvered these rosy purplish blossoms were called Rhodora.(Rhododendron canadense) It is a wiry shrub found in roadside ditches, swamps and bogs, growing to be about a meter or more high. The* Rodora plant is closely related to ornamental Azaleas and Rhododendrons
* source  p.22,"Wildflowers,Mary Primrose and Marian Munro

Thank you to Luiz,and Denise of Todays Flowers, for this opportunity to share beautiful flowers with others. For more flower photos please click HERE.


  1. Those are beautiful. I have never seen any of those before. Helen

  2. .I have never seen these before either. Very pretty.

  3. Beautiful! New to me too. Must have been a thrill to find out their proper name after so long. It's a real pretty wildflower and a pretty name, Rhodora. Thanks so much for sharing it with Today's Flowers. Have a great week.

  4. Love the colour!! I know what you mean about finding the names for a lot of the flowers that I am discovering! Part of me wants to jump up and down when I get another one named!!

  5. Isn't it fun to learn the correct names of plants which have been around for a long time?Have a fun week.

  6. Judy wrote"Part of me wants to jump up and down when I get another one named!!" Exactly Judy, thats the feeling! I love heading home knowing I have new pictures to download, then I get out my field guide books to embark upon the adventure of discovery and identification. I have field guides on birds, butterflies, moths, caterpillars, wildflowers, insects, mushrooms and , they are all part of my summer treasures along with my cameras. Thanks for your understanding comment.

  7. Beautiful flowers!

  8. Gorgeous! I can see the connection between them and rhododendrons. I'm glad you found out their name. I have such a hard time finding the names of wildflowers.
