Sunday, May 16, 2010

a seascape in oils for Scenic Sunday

If these two photos look very similar and perhaps a bit familiar you may have seen the photo that I had posted last week for Scenic Sunday at. The first picture on this page is the one that I had posted last Sunday.  The second photo on this page is of aN oil painting that my brother, Roger had painted  from my last week's  photo posting.  Using the painting style of "photo realism" I think that Roger did a fine job as he pursues his retirement hobby and interest in oil painting. I have another of his paintings to share another day of a handsome Hooded Merganser which he painted, then he took a photo of his merganser painting, made it into a postcard and sent it to me by snail mail . Roger is very creative and inventive! I really enjoy your seascape! , You have captured well the mood of the scene! Roger.

Scenic Sunday:a meme  of beautiful scenery. To learn more about scenic Sunday please go to: or to post your own contribution, please click on the link within this post.


  1. Bravo Roger! Keep the paintings coming!

  2. That is very well done.I thought that both were photos.

  3. Excellent painting! Your family is so talented.
