Sunday, May 16, 2010

Shadows along the boardwalk for Shadow Shot Sunday

The boardwalk at the Sackville Waterfowl Park is a lovely place to walk as you are very close to the water and the bird life there.  Red-winged Blackbirds and Tree Swallows abound as well as ducks and a few Canada geese.  You're never sure what you might find there.  One of my lucky finds there once was a Sora which will be the focus of Mellow Yellow Monday for tomorrow.

To learn more of Shadow Shot Sunday perhaps to make your own contribution please click on the icon on the right sidebar of this page to go to the meme homepage. Happy Shadow watching to all.


  1. Really beautiful shadows on the walk. Very busy shadows.

  2. bobbie; this is a favourite place oof mine although I don't get there often enough. Ann

  3. Now if that board walk was closer I would join you on a long walk there.It looks like a photographers paradise.
