Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wild Lily of the Valley Shadows for Shadow Shot Sunday

The Wild Lily of the Valley is a beautifully designed flower . Its many spikes with globes on their end create a delicately looking appearance.  Last week one day I purposely went looking for this wilflower to get some pictures of it.  Much to my delight I found one throwing its shadow upon a leaf. What a lovely find this was! A perfect shot for Shadow Shot Sunday I thought! 


To learn more of Shadow Shot Sunday perhaps to make your own contribution please click on the icon on the right sidebar of this page to go to the meme homepage. Happy Shadow watching to all.


  1. Once again you have shown the delicate beauty of a wild flower.Thanks for sharing this.Have a fun day.

  2. That is, indeed, a perfect shadow shot! And the green and white together look so summery. Lovely!

    Happy shadow-hunting from Joysweb!

  3. Great shadow shot. I tend to think of this as ground cover since it covers a fair bit of our back yard. The little flower spikes are not always appreciated. Thanks for the close-up.
