Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Heron Flight continued for Outdoor Wednesday

Isn't it so remarkable that such a, big long legged creature can glide so gracefully through the air! I know its not a good comparison but this photo makes me think og a daddy-long legs.

its wide wings provide balance and gracefulness in the air as it glides.
I love the bulky folds of its wings as it prepares for flight over the water.

Outdoor Wednesday found at is a delightful meme that invites you to share the outdoors with others. The theme encompasses the outdoors, a topic within the theme of your choosing. to learn more of this meme or to share your view of the outdoors please click on the 'outdoor Wednesday' logo on the right of this page. Happy Wednesday outoor gathering to all

Monday, September 27, 2010

End of summer for mellow yellow yellow Monday

A tangle of yellow blossoms for the end of summer in my garden.
Also today is the provincial election day in New Brunswick.
Don't forget to vote!!!!! * note; as the sign might indicate to you, N.B. is an official bi-lingual province,we are the only bilingual province in Canada.

Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A natural pool for photo hunter

The changing of the colour of the leaves is a natural occurrence in our area at this time of year. The change is now underway!
A' natural pool formed by nature fed by a waterfall

Thisweek's theme for photo hunter week is natural and it is open to your own interptertation. To see what others have contributed or to add your own please click onthe photohunter badge at the top of the right side bar

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sunrise in Airdrie for Skywatch Friday

Early this morning in Airdrie, Alberta, Canada.This photo was taken by my brother, Roger

My thanks and appreciation to rhose who host Skywatch Friday. To learn more of this meme which features skies from sll over the world please go to A Happy Friday to all

Duck and Turtle Reflections for Weekend Reflections

Painted Turtle reflection in the water.

Weekend Reflections a meme where you can view beautiful reflections captured by others. Just click on the logo on the right to see what others have captured with their cameras

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Nuthatch photo start of the day

While peering out my window at Bird Alley, I didn't see much activity other than a few Chickadees, Then my eyes becoming accustomed to a black and white designed bird, like Chickadees, I suddenly noticed a difference! a little bird with a black and white in its design but more. It had a rufus coloured breast
, but unlike a red-breasted Robin it was not so distinctlyRobin red in colour but rather its breast colouring was more of a Rufus tinge. It was our usual little feathered visitor, the Red-breasted Nuthatch. It doesn't visit every day to our notice, but it is regular enough us to shout out to each other, "Here's the little Nuthatch again!", when it appears.I'm hoping its species cousin, the White- breasted Nuthatch shows up some day soon to surprise us. Okay, I've had my morning coffee, tea, breakfast and medications, now its time for me and my camera to go for a drive. I'll be back later with my morning photo harvest.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome Fall

Today is the first Day of Fall (Autumn) in Canada!

Hello Fall©

You're back early this year

or does it just seem that way to me?
I've seen the advance notices of your coming

The leaving of the Hummingbirds
an early Junco in Bird Alley the other day
Song Sparrows foraging about in foliage tunnels
of undergrowth in overgrown corners of the bower

Autumn winds whisper change
as they energize the tall summer grasses
and damselflies cling and sway
to ancient choreographed rhythms

The woods and roadsides are scattered with Asters
beautiful blues accenting the late summer Goldenrod
and fluttering Cabbage Whites and Common Yellows
flit about in the afternoon sun with programmed purpose

My garden is full of mature colour
deep yellows and pinks of Coneflowers
vibrant reds of Bee Balm and Celosia
and sky blue Morning Glories

As the process of regeneration begins anew
seed pods filled with determination for next year's renewal
are replacing blooms on annuals

and blossoms fade as somber browns emerge

Our neighbor's apple trees fringing our back yard
message enticement with their rosy ripeness
while baby turtles tunnel their way to the surface
from egg filled nests laid during warm June days

Frogs now grown
bask in the strong afternoon sun
and acknowledge my presence with 'bleeps'
as they leap into the tranquil pond waters

Encroaching early evening darkness
proclaims a departure of long summer days
and the reds and yellows and oranges of turning leaves
trumpet your return....

Welcome back!
©Ann of; Me Ann My Camera

Deer for Outdoor Wednesday

While driving along an old dirt road taking a shortcut to my favourite pond to look for Canada Geese an adult deer suddenly, safely crossed the road in front of me. I say'adult' to suggest that the smaller, younger looking deer still on the roadside did not cross but hesitantly stopped by the road edge giving me a beautiful view of its distinctly marked feature of a white eye ring. I assume that this younger deer was with its parent deer. This younger deer wanted to follow but it kept looking at me in my car and then made the wiser decision of turning back into the woods that it had just came from, giving us a view of the source of its species name. 'white-tailed deer'
But then again it had second thoughts, perhaps I didn't appear so threatening to it after all and so it returned again to stand by the roadside seeming to yearn for the adult deer that had already crossed before it.,This was my cue to leave before anything disastrous happened and I did. Perhaps I will encounter this beautiful woodland creature again as I take this dirt road route often and this morning I will go that way again, driving carefully, being on the look out for the sudden appearance of a deer on the road in front of my car.

Outdoor Wednesday found at is a delightful meme that invites you to share the outdoors with others. The theme encompasses the outdoors, a topic within the theme of your choosing. to learn more of this meme or to share your view of the outdoors please click on the 'outdoor Wednesday' logo on the right of this page. Happy Wednesday outoor gathering to all

Great Blue Heron by the water for Watery Wednesday

I have seen very few Great Blue Heron this summer and so was very pleased to see this one yesterday morning by the river's edge while crossing the bridge so I drove to the park there. I used the photo shop poster edges filter to enhance its appearance.( please click on the picture to enlarge it.) While watching it flew up river
and as I watched it dipped one of its wings in the water.

Bye bye Heron, I hope I find you again this morning when I check down by the river for a glimpse of you.( see editing note below about this mornings sighting)
Waterty Wednesday is a delightful meme where you can enjoy almost any aspect of water scenes or activity. This meme offers a wide choice of topic. To view contributions of others or to post your own contribution, please click on the Watery Wednesday icon on the right sidebar on this page and enjoy. A Happy Wednesday wish to all!

editing note: I took thisabove picture this morning at my favourite pond whileI was there looking for Canada Geese. There were no geese to be found, but instead I found two Great Blue Heron there, which were just leaving as I caught this one just taking off.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

pink hydrangea for Ruby Tuesday

We don't remember our hydrangeas being this vibrant pink before! It is very beautiful in its richness of colour
Got photos with red( or in my case today in a tint of red? want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar or here: My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme

Monday, September 20, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

neck and head reflections of Canada Geese for Weekend Reflections

All of these Canada Geese are showing a reflecting neck and head shot, taken this morning.An equally beautiful neck and head shot is of this cormorant at the same location as the Canada Geese were this morning.

Weekend Reflections a meme where you can view beautiful reflections captured by others. Just click on the logo on the right to see what others have captured with their cameras

White-throated Sparrow outside my windows

The yellow lores on this White-throated Sparrow add to its attractiveness on this bright, shiny day.

Schoolbus for photohunter theme of school

Nothing speaks of'school to me as much as the image of a schoolbus. I did this painting of a schoolbus several years ago when I saw this bus to on my way to school each day. I was a teacher and I followed it to school each day. For a few years this painting hung in the office of the high school where my husband taught.Yes, we were a family of teachers, Today our eldest son is a teacher as is our daughter-in-law also.. As a mother of three children, how well I remember those first days of starting school for them and waiting and watching for the schoolbus. Just this week we repeated that ritual of waiting for the scoolbus as we waited and watched while our little grandson, now a kindergarden student get off the bus when he returned home at the end of his schoolday.

HURRah for school buses!

This week's theme for photo hunter week is school and it is open to your own interpretation. To see what others have contributed or to add your own please click on the photo huntcr bad

Monday, September 13, 2010

Female American Goldfinch for Mellow Yellow Monday

The beautiful soft yellow of this American Goldfinch outside my window this morning is very mellow! and soft and beautiful!

Another bird visitor this morning, an female Evening Grosbeak, was a great surprise!. A male Grosbeak would certainly qualify best for mellow yellow, but perhaps they will return later in the day bringing their guy feathered companions along. This female above is checking out the black plastic knob on the niger seed sock feeder to see if its an edible berry. I assume they will be at our mountain ash berries soon.They will be a colourful sight among the red berries.

Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The longest covered bridge in the world forScenic Sunday

The covered bridge at Hartland , New Brunswick crosses the Saint John River there.

Above, driving through the covered bridge

Scenic Sunday:a meme of beautiful scenery. To learn more about scenic Sunday please go to: or to post your own contribution, please click on the link within this post

Friday, September 10, 2010

Drainage Pipe for weekend reflections

I would much prefer that there had of been a beautiful Wood Duck swimming out from the mouth of this pipe as I have seen before for it connects to a small pond on the other side of the railroad embankment.

Looking through my photo archives I came upon this beautiful reflection of a Common Merganser in the water shown below. The reflection of colour on the water tells us that it is in the autumn of the year. Not that I want to hurry the seasons too much, but I find myself looking forward to that beautiful season of colourful falling leaves: the Autumn.

Weekend Reflections a meme where you can view beautiful reflections captured by others. Just click on the logo on the right to see what others have captured with their cameras.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Yard birds today

Yellow shafted Flicker
Yellow -bellied Sapsucker
And lots of American Goldfinch

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

A bird with a bit of red for Ruby Tuesday

Every year in September we get visits from Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. This year is no different. We saw this one yesterday morning feeding on the trunk of this tree.

Shown below in this archive picture you can see the red on this woodpecker's throat

Got photos with red? want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar or here: My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme