Thursday, September 02, 2010

Canada Geese still there yesterday and today

Yesterday in mid afternoon I went to check on the Canada Geese I have been watching in a nearby pond. They were still there! As soon as this post is finished I shall go check on them this morning. Hopefully their flock has increased and they are nearer shore. Maybe they will give me an areial show? That would be lovely! I wonder how they will be affected with the coming hurricane? Will they disperse? I shall watch the sky early tomorrow morning to see if its a " red sky in the morning, Sailor's take warning! I know we will have all our lawn furniture tucked away safely. Anyway now to get my camera and head for the pond. back later!
I am planning on spending much of the day cutting fabric for a flying geese quilt block. They are on my mind!

The geese were still at the pond when I got there this morning.
But they weren't alone. Unknowingly I took a picture of a Great Blue Heron which was there also.See the heron to the right? I didn'tuntil I downloaded my pictures. (That's the kind of surprise I like! Here is heron cropped from the picture and shown below!

And the heron wasn't the only surprise. This Cormorant shown below was joining in on the water and sunshine also. Its a good thing I had taken along my 400mm lens with me.

Its not far to the pond. I'll check again later today. Maybe something new will have shown up! Have a great day everyone!


  1. Good Luck and have fun.

  2. A lot of lovely surprises today Ann. I don't get here as often as I would like, but it has been so much fun catching up.
    An English Girl Rambles

  3. Good luck with the storm, Ann!

  4. Kingsdowner,
    Hopefully it will give us relief from this current heat wave we are enduring. Thanks for your comment.

  5. Gets hard to split your time between quilting and photography :-) I need to do more quilting and less bird watching for awhile. I like your surprise heron and cormorant. Migration time is always exciting.
