Friday, September 03, 2010

Filtered Clouds, cloud study for skywatch Friday

seen above ourFriday evening sunset
This really wasn't so. I was watching the clouds yesterday hoping for rain when I saw a few clouds darker than some others. The sun was shining in the middle of them. I had purchased a Hoya polarized filter on Wednesday and decided to try it out. I loved the results. It took away a lot of light and really introduced contrast to the results and really darkened the sky. I think it is a lovely cloud study!
An example of what this filter does to colour can be seen in the golden glo photo below. The colour is so full and vibrant. I am anxious to try this filter on a sunset. and a waterfall I have in mind.
My thanks and appreciation to rhose who host Skywatch Friday. To learn more of this meme which features skies from sll over the world please go to A Happy Friday to all


  1. Lovely images.Keep on having fun.

  2. We actually have clouds here that look like that today and we did get some rain, but not nearly enough.
    Have a wonderful week-end Ann. Love the golden flowers. Reminds me of Fall for sure.

  3. Very interesting the difference the filter made! I could sure use something like that at times.
