Saturday, December 11, 2010

a glimpse of Cardinal red for camera critters

We have seen a pair of Cardinals around Bird
Alley recently. The female did not create any problems with taking her picture, but the male has been very elusive. This morning, just a few moments ago I captured his presence with my camera. Its still quite elusive and this photo glimpse was all I could record, but proof, "yes we do have a pair ofcardinals in Bird Alley!".So, why the fuss? "Its just a cardinal," say you, who might consider this a common sighting. Not so in my area. A cardinal sighting is a treat and a rare one at that. My elderly neighbour, a gentleman in his 90's was quite excited and interested a few years ago when he heard we had a male cardinal visiting in Bird Alley. He had lived in the community all of his life and had never seen a cardinal. See what I mean by it being a treat to see one? I hope the male stays and poses some day soon for a more cooperative photo shoot.

Camera Critters is a meme that features critters, any kind, any size. To see more of this meme please click on the CC logo which can be found on the right sidebar on this page or please click here.


  1. I didn't realize that the females weren't all red. We don't have them out west.

  2. Cardinals are starting to come into our area. Good photos of a handsome female. Boom & Gary of The Vermilon River.

  3. Great close shot! It's just so nice to have a little bit of color in the yard doing the winter and cardinals do a good job at it.

  4. Every evening just before it gets dark and early in the AM just before it gets light I have as many as 20 cardinals at my feeder but there is not enough light to get a good shot. Nice shots.

  5. Nice try for that AMAZINGLY red bird! I've never seen one of those in our parts.

  6. I've never seen one in real life. They must not live in our area. I love the colours! - Margy

  7. We have quite a few cardinals that come to the feeders but they are very shy. Your shot of the female is great. Good luck getting the male.

  8. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Great pictures. What a great way to pass the winter months. rlr

  9. The female certainly looks very photogenic.

  10. Cardinals are one of my favorites and so bright against the snow.

  11. I'm so glad you have a pair. Hopefully they will stay and have young. They are lovely birds. They can be very nervous. If I even peek out the window sometimes they fly away while all the other birds sit there.

  12. Lovely shot!
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