Thursday, December 09, 2010

Weekend Reflections on Canada Geese

Shown above are reflections of tree trunks in the icy water, But the interesting thing about these reflections are the Canada Geese in the water in the picture shown below. Please click the photo below to get a better view of the Canada Geese in the icy water. They has better get a move on! and soon! And they were not moving very fast today. We passed this water area this morning at about 10;25 am and returned home a little after 2 p.m. this afternoon. The geese were still there! I went home to get my camera and took these pictures at about 2:30 p.m. Checking out this location tomorrow morning is high on my 'to do' list. If they are still there might they be stuck in the ice? I doubt that that sort of thing ever happens. Hopefully for their health, they will soon be on their way south.
editing note: While searching for the Canadas this morning they were nowhere to be seen. I assume they have lef the area. And the areas of open water appeared to be more closed over with ice.

Weekend Reflections a meme where you can view beautiful reflections captured by others. Just click on the logo on the right to see what others have captured with their cameras


  1. nice co-o-o-l-d post. I spent my lunch today watching the Canada Geese in the Ohio River, after which I spent time taking pictures of tree reflections in our pond. You'll probably see them tomorrow, (I'm really not copying.)

  2. The reflections are beautiful.I do hope those geese are ok,but I'm pretty sure they know when to leave.

  3. Fantastic reflections and superb captures! Love the geese! They're a lot braver than I would be!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  4. Such a pretty river! We have geese here all year, they don't seem to mind the cold. I knew of a swan from someones pond that was frozen in the ice. They had to chop it out!. It was OK. They took it to a fram for the winter.

  5. all the pictures are beautyful but the first one is my favorite, because it's very graphic.Have a nice week-end!

  6. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Wonderful shots, Ann! Love the reflections...and like you, I hope the geese begin wending their way to warmer climes soon...:)

  7. Love your wintery reflection!

  8. Lovely ice and geese shots. The ice looks so pretty. I love when the geese migrate and went to see the Snow Geese that here today.

  9. I love the way the tree reflections look under and around the ice

    the geese around here aren't moving too fast either

  10. tres beau mais surement froid ;O)

  11. i feel the chilly always envious that these waterfow;l are so well-equipped against this harsh fond of taking their pictures

    beautiful series

  12. I love this time of year! The top one is my favorite.
