Saturday, February 26, 2011

mostly black grackle for photo hunter

Today's photo hunter theme of 'mostly black ' provoked another memory trip to my photo archives. This is not a current photo , although the Common Grackle is often the first returning migrating bird I see at my feeders in the early spring. Probably 'I will have my first Grackle sighting in March. May it be soon! This photo shows an almost completely black Grackle with a whit tail feather. This is not a usual sighting. What fun it is to scan a large group of birds looking for something diffrtrnt among them. My camera clicks with joy at such a unique find.

For more photos on this weeks theme of "mostly black'' just click on Photo Hunter or you many click on the icon in the side bar. My thanks to tnchick for hosting this site. Happy Photo Hunting to all!


  1. Very good shot of the Common Grackle. Shows the colour well.

  2. I had not even noticed that white feather.Great capture.It pays to watch carefully and see these unique things.

  3. The white feather looks real out of place on the dark feathers of a Grackle...strange looking!

  4. We have plenty of starlings grouping here, but I haven't seen a grackle yet. We did have one with several white feathers last year.
