Thursday, February 24, 2011

Moving Deer for Thursday Challenge

My photo archives are a source of pleasure and memories. I have a lot of white tailed deer photos and the theme of this week's Thursday Challenge is "movement"; and I knew if I looked through my old photos I would find some photos of a deer photographed in motion. The picture displayed here is one of a male deer running into someone's yard after having crossed the highway. The beautiful set of antlers on this deer was a bonus! Seldom do I see a deer with antlers.

'movement', is this week's photographic theme for Thursday's Challenge. To view more photos posted on this theme, or to join in on the fun yourself, just 'click' on the highlighted name.


  1. Wonderful response to the challenge.

    We sometimes see deer in our neighborhood, but the one time I got a deer with my camera, she stared right at me.

  2. What a beautyful picture... so gentle and vulnerable...

  3. This is a wonderful shot.I like the antlers on him.

  4. What a thrill Ann. There are plenty of deer around here, but no antlers seen yet although it's early.

  5. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Hi Ann,

    Love the deer shots...are the snow geese back yet?

  6. Anonymous10:33 PM


    Got some neat snow geese shots today, they are like wall-to-wall rugs in the fields around here..

    Exit 318

  7. Hey anonymous, Snow Geese are not a regular part of our seasonal migration, we are off their route. I have seen one snowgoose in Nb once, in Fredericton. It was obviously lost! If I want to see geese , I look for Canadas, they are plentiful around here.
