Friday, March 04, 2011

How sweet it is: a sign of spring: pussy willows

It was a lovely bright, sunny morning and I had decided to go for a drive. Then I remembered the area that I was driving through was the location where I often found early pussy willows showing their fluffy white catkins in February or March other years.To prove my point I posted photos from the same location one year ago on March 3rd., 2010, You can see my previous post here: Deciding to be more observant of the roadside bushes I was driving past, I looked out my side car window and it was then Isaw them! What a wonderful inspiring welcome sight! Yes, spring is on its way despite this huge pile of snow at the end of our driveway.(shown below)


  1. Pussy Willows definitely herald spring.

  2. Glad to see your post! Glad to see some welcome signs of Spring, too!

  3. You are a lot closer to spring than we are, still lots of snow, here in BC. I love pussy willows, so pretty. Thanks for sharing.

    My new blog:

  4. That does look spring--only 3 weeks away!

  5. Spring has sprung in Georgia where I live. I have been posting spring flowers on my blog for a couple of weeks now. My favorite tree is on today's post, it is the first to bud and bloom and is now in full bloom. Daffodils along the roadside are our signal of spring to come and you have to go to older posts to see them. Pop by for a look see if you would like to see a breathe of spring
