Monday, March 07, 2011

Seasonal changes in my yard and Bird Alley

A few days ago I posted this picture above showing only the wire holding a bird feeder which was buried under the snow.Since then, mainly this weekend past we have experienced rain and above 0 degrees C temperatures, and voila! alnost like magic, my green birdfeeder has reappeared!

And more magically work has been about and the depth of the snow underneath our blue house feeder has lowered considerably. I now have hopes that I might be able to manage a trip to bird Alley soon to refill our feeders!

And, Alas, all is not lost! This garden gate has made a reappearance from out of the snow. It could not be seen, nor any parts of it last week. I am taking the welcome on the gate personally and the season is now making me feel welcome again in my own back yard. Although there has to be a lot more dissapearance of snow before I can liesurely walk around freely out doors again, I am feeling greatly optimistic. I have even seen some green grass around the base of our two large old maple trees. Isn't spring wonderful in its anticipaton and arrival?! Yes! I'll be right back, I have to run outdoors to take a picture of the green grass!!

As promised!! Doesn't that green grass in the picture make your day? It does mine!
Before, the top of the feeder hanger crook is all that is showing in Bird Alley!
After, just see the difference in the depth of the snow now!!!!


  1. Hee hee..Like long lost friends reappearing ..hope it all melts soon!

  2. That really is encouraging! Have a great day!

  3. Great welcome signs os spring.Now we need that warming trend to melt all the snow.

  4. Big difference! WE have lots of encouraging melting here too and grass in spots!
