Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Eagle for world bird Wednesday

Even from a distance as we approached this stark tree outlined against the sky we knew the dark shape perched on it wasn't a crow as it was too large. We had seen Eagles there before and when started to be able to distinguish the white on its head and tail we knew what it was; An Eagle! A little cropping really enhanced its steely eye and its sharp shapely curved bill! What a powerful looking bird this magnificent creature was. It was a lucky sighting on our part!

Got some grest bird photos!? want to share them with others on World bird Wednesday To locate this meme, just scroll down the right side of this page until you find the World bird logo, click on it and go from there!


  1. Aways impressive!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. This is just great. Stunning.

  3. Lovely captures of the Bald eagle Ann!

  4. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Great picture of a predator bird.

  5. A powerful looking bird.

  6. Bravo on a great eagle capture! It definitely will make any day a great one! ;-)WBW

  7. Great sighting and capture of what looks like a four year old Bald Eagle Ann! Majestic aren't they?

  8. What a find...I know you were so excited when you got this photo--I sure would be!!

  9. These birds are so impressive to see in the wild!

  10. A great capture of this magnificent bird, Ann!

  11. Always a thrill! Especially the younger ones...

  12. Wonderful! How exciting to see it sitting there.
