Monday, April 25, 2011

White- throated Sparrow for Mellow Yellow Monday

There is no doubting of the identify of this little sparrow! Notice its white-throat ed bib. Its a white-throated Sparrow And the
ytellow lores makes it a perfect candidate for Mellow Yellow Monday! Got photos with yellow? That's all you need to qualifyfor the mellow yellow Monday meme. Just scroll down the right-hand side until you come to the mellow yellow Monday logo. Just click on the picture and you're there. Just continue on and enjoy!


  1. He does have a pretty, distinctive face.

  2. great shots of the sparrow esp. the first photo. love the up close shot of the bird eh..

    my MYM is up, please check it out here Easter Egg Hunting

  3. Such nice clear photos. I found a White-throat dead after it crashed into my door. Not the best way to see it.

  4. Great shots of a beautiful bird.

  5. The portrait shot is spectacular.

  6. I love this little Sparrow, and they don't stop here very often. Your header is wonderful. I never see enough butterflies.
    Have a happy week Ann.

  7. Gorgeous photos!

    Please come and see my yellow, have a great week!!

  8. Great shots of the WT Sparrow.

  9. How wonderful that I came across this post ~ I had these WT Sparrow's on my patio Monday & Tuesday and i didn't know what they were. They were hanging with the red winged blackbirds, cardinals, housefinch and brown head cowbirds :)..... Thank you for informing me. such a sweet lil bird!! I can add him to my ever growing bird sactuary out back. I have dozens of robins, blue jays and mockingbirds too ;) ~ oh, a few orioles. a hundreds of mourning doves. Okay that's it. Sorry for such a long post. I had a cup of 7Eleven coffee and I love my birds. some combo for posting a comment.

  10. ONe of the prettiest little sparrows with that yellow and white and black. Great shots of it!
