Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fishing Gulls and Running White Tails for Outdoor Wednesday

We are expecting snow this afternoon, quite a storm apparently , so I decided to do my birding rounds early this morning. I saw very little, The best sighting was possibly that of a Kestrel, It behaved in Kestrel style, flying away as I rolled down my car window and it flew away as I prepared to take its picture. I saw quite a few White-tailed Deer and they all saw me also and they all kicked up their heels, flashed their white tails and ran away from my camera.

But the best discovery was the last. We have a river running through our community which is the scene each spring of gaspereau returning up the river each year to spawn. The rapids at our point in the river is locally known as The Gaspereau Falls, and today at the Gaspereau Falls I saw two gulls waiting in the river. What a delightful surprise when downloading my pictures to see that one gull had a gaspereau in its beak. What a glorious outdoors it was today .Quite perfect I thought for a post to the Outdoor Wednesday meme.

Got photos you want to share? Why not post them at Outdoors Wednesday. To find this delightful meme, please scroll down the page on the right hand side until you come to the outdoor Wednesday logo. Click on it and find your way there. Happy picture taking!


  1. That was a wwonderful surprise. Great shot.

  2. Lovely natures photos. The white tail deer were really high tailing it.

  3. Tails to you. Just showing you their best side.

  4. Love the white tails running. Great captures of both the deer and the gull with the fish. Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter.
