Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A new returing bird buddy today in Bird Alley

I acknowledge this is not a good picture but it will serve as my record of a returned White-throated Sparrow today in Bird Alley. I had just mentioned to my husband, David, yesterday that we hadn't seen any white-throateds yet this spring. Today when I glimpsed the two white stripes on its crown in the bushes, I immmediately hopped it was a longed for White-crowned Sparrow but when getting a glimpse of its vivid yellow lores, I knew it to be a White-throated Sparrow. Its maybe a bit early for a White-crowwn sparrow yet. Perhaps I won't get any good pictures tomorrow either as a snow storm is forecast!!!!! Yes, snow!!!! Enough already!

1 comment:

  1. This weather forcast is getting a bit old don't you think? We're expecting a thunder storm tonight and then below freezing tomorrow night. No White throated sparrows here yet. I'm still looking.
    Hope you don't get too much of the white stuff.
