Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Red-hued feathered birds for Ruby Tuesday

I thought to make this post today of a variety of birds all with the same theme in common, their display of red-hued feathers featured on their bodies. Also they all are the male of their species. The first bird is the Ruby-throated Humminbird carrying the colour Ruby in its name. How vibrant is its red colour!

Yesterday Bird Alley was extremerly busy and active, just full of little birds and I voiced a wish to my husband, " I wish I could see a Rose-breasted Grosbeak", I hadn't seen one for years, when all of a sudden I cried, " There it is!" A handsome male rose-breasted Grosbeak had suddenly appeared among the branches of our feeder area. However it did not show itself fully for me to get a good photo. Rather, it stayed huddled on the side of a bird feeder during its stay. Hmmm, I guess in some cases wishes do come true

Bird Alley is full of this little finch species. The male Purple Finch is such a handsome , colourful bird. I am surprised I haven't taken more pictures of them.

This male Common Merganser shown above does not display any red feathers, but I have included it here today because of its red bill. Just click on the picture to enlarge it to better view this red feature that it displays.

Ww have had a pair of Downy Woodpecks that have visited Bird Alley daily for a long time now. I was explaining the difference between the male and female a couple of weeks ago to my 6 year old grandson, explaining that the male had a red patch on the back of its head. This little one shown below at the peanut feeder yesterday keep moving its head rapidly creating a misleading reddish blurred cap the length of the top of its head when my camera caught this action..

Got pictures with red? Why not post them to Ruby Tuesdayhttp://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/. To learn more of this meme hosted by, Mary, the teach, just scroll down the right hand side of this page to find the Ruby-Tuesday icon. Just click on it and enjoywhile sharing your photos with red or accessing the links to see what others have contributed

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