Monday, May 09, 2011

Yellow feathered birds for Mellow Yellow Monday

Yesterday was a bonus day for watching birds from my window. It is not often that we have Evening Grosbeaks visiting, but yesterday we had two males. This is such a colourful handsome bird.
shown above is its back view and below a striking portrait pose. Look at its huge beak! They love to find sunflower seeds in Bird Alley. Their big beak is so useful. "crunch!"

And this bright yellow male Goldfinch above gives wondeful decoration to my yard. I call them 'lemon drops' . Our yard is full of them! See how full the feeder of niger seed is of them in the photo below. I mean it is full of Goldfinch, not niger seed as it now almost empty!
Time for a refill today.

And another little surprise bird visitor yesterday sporting a wings decorated with yellow slashes of colour, a Pine Siskin. I haven't seen this species at our feeders for quite a while now. It was a very welcome hungry visitor. Got pictures with yellow? Why not show them on Mellow Yellow Monday. To link to this meme, please scroll down the right hand side of this page until you come to the mellow yellow icon. Click on it and go from there! Have a great Monday! Its a wonderful start to a new week!


  1. really beautiful yellow looking bird. thanks to your great camera you were able to capture the birds. great shots i shall say.

    please take a peek at my MYM entry at San Antonio Botanical Gardens

  2. they're all so pretty
    so many wonderful colors
    I love when they tilt their heads

  3. What a treat, to have your feeder crowded with Goldfinches!
    Even better to have photographed them!
    I thought the Evening Grosbeak looked like a finch, so I had to look it up. I am no birder, so I'm always thrilled when I find out I'm right about a bird.
    Love your photos, and wonderful yellows. The delicate yellow feathers of the Pine Siskin are delightful in contrast with the definitive yellows of the Goldfinch and the gold of the Grosbeak.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. Awesome photos! You're good! I'm a new follower and here's my entry. Thanks and See you around!

  5. Those Grosbeaks are beautiful.I haven't seen one in many years.

  6. So pretty birds out there. happy MYM!

  7. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I have never seen these before, they are beautiful.

  8. these bird portraits are beautiful!
    I am following you now so I hope some of your photography skills rub off whenever I visit.

  9. I LOVE that grosbeak! How beautiful! The others are all lovely, too. So much cheerful yellow.
