Monday, June 06, 2011

a Cabbage Butterfy and a dandelion for Mellow Yellow Monday

Above is the first cabbage buttertfly that I have photographed this spring. It is a female cabbage. I enjoy so much finding the id of these beautiful little winged creatures. I have learned that the two black spots on this butterflies fore wing determine that this is a female. Knowledge is power isn't it? Its delightful to know about who's who, in our outdoors nature environment. If I were starting over again , I might like to study science. As a child one of our elementary school subjects was called Nature, which I loved. When I began teaching, how I missed that subject not being on the curriculumn. but I was able to introduce nature in my own way. One of my favourite lessons at this time of year was outdoor sketching and we would study the dandelion and create a watercolour. What beautiful paintings many of the students created!, and we would discuss thejagged tooth like edge of the dandelion leaf and thus its name, 'dent de lion"
Got pictures with yellow that you would like to share? Why not post them on Mellow Yellow Monday, a delightful meme that focuses on the colour yellow?Just clink here: to access this meme


  1. That is a beautiful picture.Thanks for the lesson in identification.Its early in the day and already I have learned something new.

  2. a cabbage butterfly-how interesting. delightful photo.

  3. Great shot! I also chose a dandelion pic for Mellow Yellow Monday. I think they are under-appreciated :)


  4. You know it's summer when the cabbage butterflies start dancing through the air. And, pictured here with my favorite flower. What could be better for MYM?

  5. I also like dandelions. They announce the reawakening of plant life for summer. I like the fact that you gave a nature lesson with the art lesson. Nature is here. All we have to do is see it.

  6. Lovely! Your header of the Hummingbird moth is very nice, too! I haven't seen any yet this year.

  7. I was terrible at math and science. Am still terrible at math, but wish I had done better in science. SO many things I don't know, and wish I did.
    Super mellow yellow post!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  8. Dandelions are one of the surest signs of spring!


    Yellow or red—which shall it be?
    Red for you and yellow for me?

    Perhaps you’d rather have yellow instead—
    Which leaves me, of course, with handfuls of red!

    Whichever hue you decide to choose,
    I’ll take the other—no one will lose!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Queen Liliuokalani statue in Honolulu

  9. Two wonderful species, the dandelion and cabbage butterfly, linked in the same post. How wonderful!

    I really liked the last post on the morning cloak butterfly as well.

    I could use some practice with butterfly and moth ID and this is helpful.


  10. Wonderful lesson and beautiful dandelion. I love them and was raised on eating greens. They are very beneficial to our health.
