Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Watching poppies unfold for Ruby Tuesday

This flower bed of poppies shown above holds much potential for beauty.There is a multitude of unopened pods just waiting to show their red beauty folded within.

A few of the blossoms have started to open. Their delicate tissue thin petals are beginning to unfold as the pod holding this delicate beauty splits open to reveal the red petals folded within.
This is a fascinating process to watch as a little more red shows each day. As they become fully opened, its a surprise each morning to look out and see how many new blossoms have opened.
The opening blossom shown above is exposing some of the black center of the blossom h.within
Got photos with red? Why not share them by posting them to
Ruby Tuesday. To find this delightful red focused meme, please click here.http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/


  1. I love your patience and attention to detail, photographing poppies popping!

  2. My poppies are just a few inches tall. I'll be paying attention when they begin to bloom.

  3. Nice photo series. I'm waiting for my poppies to do that pop! Any day now. Thanks for the preview.

  4. Is watching a poppy unfurl as exciting as watching paint dry? (Just kidding!)


    Yellow or red—which shall it be?
    Red for you and yellow for me?

    Perhaps you’d rather have yellow instead—
    Which leaves me, of course, with handfuls of red!

    Whichever hue you decide to choose,
    I’ll take the other—no one will lose!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Flag over USS Arizona

  5. I had one a couple of years in some wildflowers that I bought the seeds. This year it didn't come up but some gold ones did for a couple of years now. Helen

  6. Such a beauty!

    My RT link, please come and see.
