Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Atlanrtic Puffins for World Bird Wednesday

On a recent trip to Newfoundland last week to attend the Atlantic Book Awards with my daughter, where she received the John and Margaret Savage debut book award for 2012 for her novel, The Town That Drowned, My daughter Riel Nason and I went on a boat tour in hopes that we might see Atlantic Puffins , and we did! They are such delightful looking birds and they are so unique in that they spend so much time at sea and they are amazing swimmers.
Puffins are not known to be great fliers but the photo above shows one in flight.
  . We saw and photographed many Puffins on the water there.  All in all we had a grand boat tour and achieved our goal of seeing Atlantic Puffins..

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  1. oh I adore Puffins, would love to see one day. Thank you for the shares~

  2. What a great rip and congrats to your daughter. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. I love Puffins. Great stuff.

  4. Puffins are wonderful birds, I enjoyed some great views on the Farne Islands off the North East coast of England. Unfortunately I didn't fare too well with the boat trip but it was worth it just to see these beautiful birds.

  5. it reaaly is a smwll world - I was watching Atlantc Puffins here in the UK not a week ago.

    Splendid bird
