Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sightseeing in Newfoundland for Ruby Tuesday 2

As far east as you can go in North America, Cape Spear, Newfoundland.The oldest lighthouse in Newfoundland at Cape  Spear.

Saint John's , Newfoundland is a very colourful city.  Pictured here is  row of colourful houes vividly painted, the first house in the row being red!

 Ruby Tuesday 2 meme features photos with red of any subject. To contribute to this meme please go to;
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  1. Beautiful captures. Happy RT2!

    Mine's here.

  2. Beautiful captures.

    Hope you'd come and see my Red Cake.

  3. Saint John's looks as colorful as some of the cities I've seen in Mexico!

    Tiny Red Leaves

    Oh, and could you get rid of that horrid word verification, please? Blogger is now doing automatic spam detection, so word verification is no longer needed. Thank you!

  4. Beautiful scenes from your trip. Looks like a lovely place to visit.
