Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rose-breasted Greosbeaks in Bird Alley

I have been waiting fot this handsome grosbeak and  I was delighted yesterday when I saw it at one of my feeders in Bird Alley.  Its black and white patterned feathers alerted me to its difference from all the other birds at our bird feathers.  But where was its rose-coloured breast? It was noticeably missing except for a a small amount of rose colouring at the central part of its breast.  Confusing.However later in the afternoon I realized that we had two male grosbeaks visiting when this one shown above showed up at the same feeder where the first had been, This second grosbeak had a full rose coloured breast.  Wow!  How great can it get!?

 This white church feeder seems to be their feeding location of choice and this morning I have my birdcam on a tripod focused on this feeder.  I haven't seen any Grosbeaks yet today but hopefully soon one will appear.  And perhaps by the end of the day I may have some closeups of these handsome birds! One or both of them may show up here to feed. And yes!!~! success!!! Can you see the male Grosbeak posing for the camera?( see photo below) I won't download the pictures yet but hopefully this bird has activated the camera.  Earlier I had to chase away a grey squirrel which had chosen to feed there and I was worried it might have eaten the choice pieces of corn and sunflower seeds which appeal to a grosbeak's appetite.  Oh Happy Day, a bird cam is such fun to play with! I finally downloaded my pictures of the birdcam rose-breasted grosbeak! I think they are quite nice and i am pleased that I was able to capture these closeups with my birdcam.


  1. The bird cams are great, I love mine. Your Rose-breasted Grosbeak is beautiful. A wonderful feeder bird.

  2. Today was the first day I've seen our Grosbeaks and they were a little too quick for a picture, but I'm glad they're around!

    I hope you're doing well and enjoying your weekend!

  3. I have at least two pair of these beauties, and I'm still amazed at their gorgeous color.

  4. I have at least two pair of these beauties, and I'm still amazed at their gorgeous color.
