Monday, July 09, 2012

A male yellow bellied sapsucker for Ruby Tuesday two

we have a Buckthorn tree  in our backyard.  Other summers I have noticed it is  favourite place for sapsuckers to visit.  Now I know why!  The trunk of the Buckthorn is riddled with holes and its trunk is glistening with sap. Yesterday I set my birdcam up on a tripod focused on the tree trunk.  Downloading was a delight!!!!  Yes, the sapsucker appeared there, a male adult and a juvenile but no sign of a female with yellow on her markings yet, but the really neat surprise was to see a hummingbird feeding there sipping the sap and also a couple of  orange butterflies,; anglewings I think
a question mark, or maybe they are commas, I don't know  which for sure.
This morning I got this picture  above of the adult male.  I find its colouring so beautiful! We also have
 a young Downy Woodpecker which is seen feeding at the tree trunk often.

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  1. The sapsucker is a pretty bird. Great sighting and photos.

  2. Beautiful shots.

    Rubies in a Peacock Lamp. Have a great Tuesday!

  3. he's a sweetie :)

  4. Beautiful bird..

    Visiting for Ruby Tuesday 2- hope you can stop by..
