Monday, July 23, 2012

Yellow Stripes of a Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar for Mellow Yellow Monday

  Shown above is a plastic insect cage which I have put the caterpillars in.  I also included an ample supply of milkweed leaves, changed daily to provide fresh leaves , for the caterpillars to munch on.  The plastic cage has air vents at the top of the cage to allow for ventilation.  My purpose in collecting the caterpillars is to observe the process of metamorphosis. (to watch a caterpillar change into an adult monarch butterfly.)

  The change began as the caterpillar climbed up to the top of the cage and wove a silk-like mat" to attach itself too. The caterpillar then hung itself in a "j" shape. The next step I wasn't lucky enough to observe but the caterpillar's outer covering then broke or split  and the caterpillar shrugged it off, revealing a beautiful jade green casing underneath. The soft green casing gradually will harden into a tough shell.  During the next 9 to 14 days a monarch butterfly will develop  from the caterpillar's body as  metamorphosis  takes place.
nature controlling
urges within create change
  At the present time I have two beautiful green chrysalis hanging in my insect cages. I shall be watching and taking pictures  as this change occurs.

 Got pictures with yellow that you would like to share? Why not post them on Mellow Yellow Monday, a delightful meme that focuses on the colour yellow?Just clink here: to access this meme

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful. Visiting from Mellow Yellow Monday. I am your new follower.

    Come and see my YELLOW post, thanks.
