Saturday, April 13, 2013

A few Canada Geese found at Keswick

   Each year in April we anticipate our annual trip to Keswick where we take our tax information to our accountant who has her office in that area.  Of course our anticipation  focuses on the hope that we will perhaps see many ducks and geese in that area, which has often been the case during previous years.  Last Monday our first trip to this area revealed nothing, a disappointment, however, a return trip yesterday to pick up our completed tax return information rewarded us with a medium sized flock of Canada Geese.The area is large and the group of geese we saw did not even come close to half filling up the space.  But a goose is a goose and we were pleased when we saw even a few, although the photos do not show many gaggles to giggle about. this is a lovely area.

WE continyed our day by driving dow highway #105 which borders long the Saint John River.  Along ou way we spotted a few Goldeneye in the river before we crossed at Oromocto.
All in all it was an enjoyable pleasant day.  Until next year.  And, by the way, i will receive a tax refund this year, so that information added a few +++++'s to my day.


  1. It was definitely a bonus day for you on your trip to Keswick. Great pictures. There is a bit more water in the low parts than on Thursday and a good flock of geese too.

  2. I never get tired of seeing or hearing geese in any season!

    I'm glad you're getting a refund, or has arrived and been spent! :-)
