Sunday, April 14, 2013

A RuffedGrouse

We had been driving along the branch road and as we turned a corner I shouted "Grouse!" to my husband as I had seenonr sitting on a snowbank by the side of the highway. (I have circled it in red for you to see its location) I then said, " We have to go back!, and so we quickly looked for a place to turn.  i love finding Ruffed Grouse and it isn't often that we do.  We returned to where the grouse was still! sitting on the snowbank.  Unbelievable that it had remained there as these birds atre often off like a shot whwen they sense danger!  about all I was able to get was a couple od pictures! You're wondering about the snowbank?  This was a couple of weeks ago, although looking out my windows this morning I can still see snow covered Fields.  GO AWAY WINTER! As you can see in the first photo, it was a lovely day as the sun can be seen coming around the corner also.


This handsome Ruffed Grouse( a.k.a.  Birch Partridge here in New Brunswick) allowed me a couple of clear shots before it burst away!


  1. I would be thrilled to capture one of these in a picture.

  2. Cool sighting of the Grouse! Great shots!

  3. These are really great photos of the grouse! One time we had one in our yard (years ago). We also had a chicken in our yard once. I think it fell off the truck from the chick hatchery. lol
