Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Personal Photo Challenge.."Simplicity"

Today I am participating in a new meme which I found from a comment on my blog from Mary of North Carolina and her lovely blog, a breath of fresh air.
The theme of the personal  photo challenge this month, weekend is simplicity at: The photo representing simplicity that I have chosen to share is nature at its best!  A lone Canada goose is sitting on the ice at the waters edge.  Its reflection, and those of the bare branches behind
 the goose is reflected in the open water in front of the goose. You might want to 'double click on the picture to enlarge it to see its details clearer.  The first photo shows the water much darker than the second photo.  In the first photo I used the 'all levels' choice on my photo editing.  The second photo is the scene as it was before any photo editing.


  1. The simplicity is what makes this a prize picture.

  2. Thank you so joining in on the challenge! I had to do a bit of searching to find your web site. I sent you an e-mail to let you know that the link you added to the gadget tool doesn't work. So I hope you will redo it!

    I really like that illustration of natural simplicity, especially the lone goose and the reflection in the water from nearby trees. And the comparison shows how powerful a levels adjustment can be to add saturation and richness to an image. SOOC photos can greatly benefit from such editing!

  3. Lovely capture of the lone goose! Happy Sunday!

  4. I also love the simplicity of the goose in the photo--Another one of your pictures that belongs on a card.

  5. Sorry to be late! I was out of town...
    These are Super shots! Well Done!

  6. Either way is beautiful...depends on how one is "feeling" that day, I think. Today, I love the striking deep hues.
