Friday, May 17, 2013

A Flowering Almond in the Rain.

Six years ago we bought this flowering almond tree as a gift to our daughter in honour of the birth of her daughter. We loved its beauty and the pink colour which  was significant to the occasion, the birth of our first granddaughter. When I took these photos yesterday ,the blooms were somewhat diminished in their beauty by the falling rain.  However I feel the raindrops added a dimension of beauty to the blooms which we had not enjoyed previously.  There are still many unopened buds on the tree and the promise of its spectacular blossoming yet to come is still being held within. May the next few days be sunny as they coax the beauty of the blooms  and may the day of our beautiful granddaughter's 6th. birthday coincide with the full blossoming of the beauty of this flowering almond tree.

 below;taken this afternoon after the petals have dried out a bit.


  1. I really like your pictures of the flowering blossoms, Gram.

  2. Beautiful photos and a very special tree. I need some spring flowering shrubs or trees in our yard to enjoy. I hope you enjoy the long weekend. I wish it would warm up don't you?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Pamela, A recent addition to our gardens lasy year had been an ivory silk Lilac. Its blossoms were very beautiful and last year many butterflies were attracted to it. We also have the older traditional purple lilac in our yard. This lilac is a favourite of Swallowtail butterflies. We also have a Japanese cherry which has beautiful pink blosoms. We are waiting for its beautiful blossoming to happen yet this spring. Ornamental flowering crabappless are always beautiful and you can't go wrong by planting one of those. At the moment Service berry and Pear blossoms are adding much beauty to our yard. Thank you for your comment!

  5. Pretty tree. It flowers best every other year. I figured I would miss the peak of its blossoms while I was away.

  6. Very beautiful! I love the raindrops on them.
