Saturday, May 18, 2013

A New Wildflower Find For Me; Bluets!

I love wildflowers and it is always exciting and intriguing when I find one that I do not know; as was the case yesterday. Its always an adventure to discover something new!!!!We have recently spent a few days at Quispamsis and 
       we  had noticed many clumps of small white flowers on several lawns there.  
I took a few pictures and so I searched in a few wildflower books to find their identify as soon as I had returned home.  I found the flower in  a book titled:Wildflowers of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. This is a  lovely book  on wildflowers by Mary Primrose and Marian Munro .
I found pictures of and a description of Bluets on page 48,
So you see Tess, that is the name of those  pretty little flowers we  had found on our way home from the park yesterday! They are Bluets!
I have discovered that bluets a.k.a are also known as Innonce or Quaker Ladies1  who knew?


  1. We have some clumps like that only the flowers are really blue.

  2. They are really sweet and I don't now as I've seen them here or maybe have and thought they were something else. Pretty posies. :)

  3. These are very pretty and charming.
