Thursday, May 02, 2013

Nest building , A Spring Activity for Thursday's Inspiration

Earlier this week I chanced upon a couple of busy Chickadees flying too and fro from a hole in the wall of a public building.  I took a picture of the hole and I could see clues of nest building activity going on.  In the pictures included you can see that they( the Chickadees) had already managed to  deposit and accumulate bits and pieces of materials, etc. in the hole
                                             above nest building materials can be seen protruding from the chosen nest site
the appearance of his busy Chickadee above reminded me of the "Grumpy Cat" as it watched me from its chosen nest
              This Chickadee is checking me out!  They have been busy as can be seen  from the bulging materials in the hole in the wall.

I could almost hear this one loudly tweet at me as it flew  towards me away from its nest site:
                                                      "Outta my way lady!"

I am linking this "spring"  themed post  laster today with Mary's, Thursday's Inspiration at her Dear Little Red House which can be found at:

This Chickadee nest is just across the street from me.  I think I will check up on their progress later on today! Have a great spring day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. That's great to see the chickadee building a nest. I've always thought they nested in old trees but not in a building. The weather sure is great isn't it? Enjoy. Pam
