Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Which Are The Real Goldfinch?

 |of course you can tell which are the real ones but I thought it was fun to see goldfinch feeding at this niger seed feeder bag with the pictures of goldfinch on it!  I thought the colouring of the painted goldfinch fairly accurate and it makes a nice photo. We have had handsome, bright ,yellow, male Goldfinch the last couple of mornings at our feeders and they are here again this morning too.  Another nice day is expected and I love these real spring days we have been experiencing recently.  Our daffodils are now in bloom and also one crocus is in bloom.


  1. I'm still watching for a goldfinch to come to my feeder. Maybe today will be the day. I had a male purple finch and 2 females yesterday, which was nice to see. Isn't this weather beautiful? Enjoy the day! Pam

  2. That's sweet. Clearly, they like company.
