Sunday, June 09, 2013

A Mother Wood Duck and her Babies

Yesterday, while crossing  the highway bridge I thought I had glimpsed a large bird sitting on a rock in the river.  I asked my husband to turn and go back so that I could check it out.  It was raining as I hurried down a slope to an observation deck overlooking the rive there.  I didn't see any large bird but I did see a duck with a few little ducklings swimming behind it as they swam around a large rock in the river there. Perhaps it had been the Mother Duck perched on the rock that I had glimpsed when crossing the bridge above it.  I was delighted with such a find!  And although it was raining I didn't care.  I continued snapping pictures of this beautiful duck family and as I watched the mother  duck shepherd her family safely to shore and  I sensed my husband had the same shepherding instincts as he beckoned me to return to  the waiting truck.  As I have titled my blog 'Nature Tales and Camera Trails':I will tell the story of this duck family with the pictures I was able to get . As soon as I had downloaded the photos I could see by the distinctive white eye of the female that it was a Wood Duck.
The first sighting I had of the female Wood Duck was of her and a few of her babies rounding a rock in the river
Once she was around the rock I could see that she had a sizable family swimming along behind her.
It might be a little difficult to count but she has eight baby ducks accompanying her!

Rest well Mama Duck!  May you and your babies fare well in the coming days!


  1. The wood ducks are awesome! Great sighting of the family, love the ducklings.

  2. That is so cute. So many babies!

  3. How sweet! I hope they stay safe too--Sometimes I wonder what the Mom's are thinking sometimes when I see them in these off the wall places!
