Saturday, June 08, 2013

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds

A female hummingbird  is finally here, it seemed late in arriving this spring
!  I'm sure our resident male will be pleased with the added companionship.

Above, waiting out the rain and this little male hummer has chosen a rather appropriate place for drying out after the rain, perching on our clothesline!


  1. Sweet shot of the hummer! It is great you have a couple, they can be really entertaining during the summer. Have a happy weekend!

  2. Great photos! I've no idea if our hummingbirds are around or not--I need to get my feeders back up and find out.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Fantastic shot! Happy Weekend. :)

  4. Another Canadian nature blogger! Wonderful pictures of ordinary things nearby. I look forward to following your blog.

    Furry Gnome
