Saturday, March 01, 2014

One Bohemian Waxwing

for the past three days now, we have had one Bohemian Waxwing visiting daily feeding on rose hips on rose vines in our bower.   

This location is a fair distance from our house and I have been taking the pictures from standing in my dining room with my 400mm lens on my old Canon 20D.  It seems that there is just the one Waxwing, it is the only waxwing that we have seen all winter long.


  1. Wonderful photos of the cedar waxwing. I haven't seen any this winter at all. I also liked your macro shots of the ladybug. So much detail! Happy March to you. It sure is a cold morning.

  2. They are beautiful birds. A lovely visitor and great photos. Have a happy weekend!

  3. Those are beautiful birds. Thanks for sharing.
