Sunday, March 02, 2014

Early Morning Visitors: Deer

I am an early riser, not necessarily by choice but I often wake early, and so today at 4:30 am, while making  coffee and looking out my pantry window I saw movement at the end of my neighbour's driveway. I could see a deer silhouette in the darkness and so I went to get my camera and crossing my fingers I checked to see that my camera was on an auto,  with a no flash setting and  viola I was able to get two pictures of the deer group .  I have a lot of faith in my Nikon D3100, its a great reliable camera!  The photos are not all that great but you can definitely id that these four legged creatures are deer. There were three of them.

Pictures taken at 4:36 a.m.AST this morning.


  1. Cute visitors! The deer are always a treat to see! Have a happy day!

  2. Love these pictures. They look exactly like a 4:30 a.m. picture should look. Sorry you woke so early but it paid a very nice dividend.
