Friday, March 07, 2014

Words and Letters with alphabet photography, a personal challenge

I am posting this photo to Donna's monthly photo challenge, where each month Donna hosts a theme.  This month's theme is "words and letters. I am excited by my own personal challenge of being able to find the entire letters of the alphabet in nature.  It will become a spring and summer photo challenge for me.  Within the picture of the Ladybug I have found three letters from the alphabet.  The letter W  on the forehead of the ladybug is very obvious to see, and there is an uppercase T on the end of each front leg of the Ladybug.  Also the division line on the back of the shell separates the shell into two distinct uppercase D's. The title for today's picture is
.                                                  "W is for words"
If you would like to contribute to Donna's challenge or view the entries of other bloggers you may find Donna's challenging blog by clicking on the link  shown below: or you may click on the icon for this blog found on the top of of the column on the right hand side of this page.  Have a great day everyone.


  1. Pretty good observation here. I like your letter W post,

  2. How awesome and original! I love it! A great photo for the challenge!

  3. Now that is pretty cool! I never knew any of that!

  4. This is really interesting, Ann. Very observant! I love this photo.

  5. Wow, you've spent some time studying that photo. I'm thinking about putting together a photographic alphabet this summer too. It would be a fun scavenger hunt to work on in bits and pieces while out. Using the alphabet would be a whole different batch of fun. Good luck on yours.

  6. OMG, this is so creative! Not only do you have a backdrop of letters, but you feature a wee critter that contains alphabet shapes! Bravo on meeting this challenge head on. You packed a lot into one photo. And I'm glad that you are now inspired to find the alphabet in nature. What a great summer project!

  7. A clever interpretation of the challenge this month.

  8. Very cool I never noticed that!

  9. Very interesting perspective. I never would have noticed an of it but when you spelled it out I can see it clearly. Great macro.

  10. Now that's original!! Well done!

  11. Great Macro shot! I'm wondering if all ladybugs have alphabet markings... Have fun with the summer alphabet project!
