Sunday, April 06, 2014

First sighting of the day

Sitting right under our outdoor thermometer and right beside an empty bird feeder this ring-tailed masked bandit was the first thing I saw in Bird Alley this morning when I looked out to check the early morning temperature around 6 a.m.  I thought it looked rather sweet with an appealing look in its eyes.  but its sweetness won't last long!.  Tomorrow we will be making our annual pilgrimage to Keswick Valley to take out tax data to our accountant.  Somehow I don't expect to see any Canada Geese there, which is my yearly anticipation! 


  1. The raccoons here became a nuisance! Going after my bird feeders and the trash can.. They are cute, but I would prefer they stay out of my yard.

    Wishing you a happy week ahead!

  2. what a cute little fellow. a good indication spring is sprung when critters are venturing out more. have a great day~

  3. I like your photos and am interested in using one to illustrate "bird alleys" for a short article we're publishing in local paper for our local land trust. May we have permission to use one of your bird alley photos? contact
