Saturday, April 05, 2014

Fox Sparrow for Saturday Critters

Bird Alley has been hopping for the past couple of days!  I have never seen so many Juncos here before !  Also we have lots of Song Sparrows visiting as well as our winter long sparrow residents, Tree Sparrows!  Chickadees and Goldfinch add to the numbers of our feathered visitors! Bluejays drop by but not in great numbers and the same comment would go for the Mourning Doves@  Yesterday's big pleasurable surprise was a visit from  a beautiful Fox Sparrow.  The first  visit from this sparrow species that I have recorded since 2007, which was seven years ago. I have been hoping to see it return today but I have not seen it as of yet.  Its interesting name is derived from its colour, being somewhat similar to that of a Red Fox.  Its colouring can be seen in the  photos below.  Isn't its colouring gorgeous?!

I am linking today to Eileen's meme, Satuday's critters.  If you wish to contribute to this theme for today or to view the contributions opf others, please go to .

Have a wonderful day everyone, I will be found viewing out my window observing all of the marvellous happenings taking place in Bird Alley.


  1. Hi I have never heard of this bird let alone seen one but it is a beauty. Yes the colour does look like fox. Have a great weekend. Hope it returns for you.

  2. Cute little bird and lovely photos for SC ~ happy weekend to you ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol

  3. we've had quite a few birds showing up lately too. i've already seen an eastern bluebird, morning doves, grackles, eastern meadowlark, and sparrows. i'm hoping to get outside soon when it dries up a bit and clean my feeders and water fountain so the birds can really enjoy themselves. hope all is well. have a great weekend~

  4. Pretty little bird!

  5. The Fox Sparrows are wonderful visitors.. Lovely sighting and photos.
    Thank you for sharing your post with Saturday's Critter party! Have a happy weekend!

  6. You are right, it is a gorgeous and colorful little bird. I've been seeing something like this around here, but didn't know that's what they were--I'll have to look them up to make sure. Thanks for the great photo, and the reminder that I need to look a little closer at my outside visitors!
