Saturday, April 12, 2014

Goldeneye for Saturday Critters

 This is such a wonderful time of year!  every day this week I have gone searching, hoping to find those fabulous featured creatures that have returned from migration.  It has been quite a week each day adding to my growing list of sightings!.  the world is full of Robins, they are everywhere!  I have been finding ducks; Wood ducks, Black Ducks and Mallards, Canada Geese! And also the unexpected for this time of year, a Killdeer and a Kestrel, and now the Osprey have returned to our river. I have watched the ice in the river, brooks and ponds break up this week.  and I found my special duck which fills my yearly quest to note its arrival, my favourite diving duck which has a white polka dot on its face!!  Yes, the Goldeneye are back!!!  Today I am linking with Saturday Critters hosted by eileen.  You can find Saturate Critters at   
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  1. Great sightings, I would love to add the Goldeneye to my life list.It is a pretty duck. Thank you for linking up your critters, have a happy weekend!

  2. Oh, I do LOVE goldeneye ducks! Your photos are making me want to get out birding!

  3. Wonderful ducks. I guess it's my first time to see this kind.

  4. Thank you all for your comments. I perhaps should have mentioned that these are all male goldeneye. The name" goldeneye" is derived from the beautiful "yellow" or "golden" eyes of these ducks.

  5. Great view, Goldeneyes are funny ducks.

  6. A great serie, they are beautiful!

  7. HI Wonderful critter post of Goldeneye
